Monday, December 19, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I tell you about some changes that I think that could be made to my study programme. So, the trusts is that I like the study programme of my career, is for this that I decided study forestry at University of Chile, but I would change some things.  For example I think that the career must have a focus more bound conservation and no so much a production. Also I would like that field work that is for one or two day so do not must make during the weekend, because we weekends are for rest, relax or study for test that be for the week. In the moment the subject that I have majority like, but existing subject and aspects of some subject that I do not like, for example in statistics we need a computer for be exercises, but we must bring computers since ours houses, In my opinion, if the class has some equipment requirement, then the university should facilitate the equipment, besides is very uncomfortable transport a computer in the backpack, because are very heavy, besides also be transport charger. Finally I think that the forestry faculty do not have appropriate infrastructure, because we do not fit in ours class rooms, and much times have to class in agronomy rooms, cannot be the same with computers class, for this when we class in computers class have until 3 students for computer.

The positive side is that speaking in general how, the teachers have good teaching methods and have very dispotition.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Hello bloggers!
Today I will tell you about my summer holydays. So, in my vacations of past year I went to a cordillera of Andes with my family, this is in Maule region, in Curico for Monte Oscuro. Was a unique experience, to arrive the place where we sleep, we travel in horse one whole day, for the road, my dad told a history about a plane that had an accident and fell on a mountain near this place. So, I would like go to visits this place and watch rest of plane.
I would like go to visits rest of plane with my family, because it would be very entertaining, I love a lot my family and I would like share this experiences with they.
Also I would like go to the beach, for a long time that I do not go to the beach, after, every year we  went at the beach with family of my mother, it was very entertaining, because we played voleybol, ate a lot and obviously and soaked in the ocean.
While stay in my house I am going to sleep, eat and rest a lot, although obviously I help my mom, is very probable that I will cook every day for my vacations.
I have not my plans of summer holidays still, but I hope do every this in my vacations. Although also I would like take a vacations without my family to know this experience, because I ever take a vacations with they.

And your plans for this summer holydays, what it is?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I tell you about my favorite TV program. Probably you know this program, its names is “the Simpsons”. This series is about of life of a family very special. This family that consists in a father, his name is Homero, is a fat man and is a little crackpot. A mother, her name is Marge, she is a housewife very normal and her hair is blue. Bart, is an older son, is very naughty and likes to skateboard. Lisa is a median son, is very intelligent and plays the saxophone. Finally Maggie, she is the baby of the family, she does not know how to speak and have a red dummy.

I have not a favorite episode, really it are much episodes that I like, but one part that like so much is when see cameras of security and Apu imitating a hummingbird. 

“The Simpsons” are my favorite program because I laugh so much when watches on TV, above everything Homero, he is my favorite cartoon of this series.

Now you say, What your favorite TV program is?

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hi bloggers! How are you? I am fine! J
Today I will tell you about a person that I would like to meet. In the world be much person that I like to meet, but if I had to choose only 1 person, this would be Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler is an actor that started his career when he was 12 years old. When he was 17 years old his brother encouraged a that be in as beginner in a club of city of Boston. Since child, Adam preferred films of comedy, even in the school he was a joker of his group of friends.

I would like to meet Adam Sandler because I love movies of comedy, besides, in my opinion, is the best actor of comedy, his movies are very funny, I laugh very much when see his films.
Someone of my favorites movies of Adam Sandler are “Luna de miel en familia”, “una esposa de mentiras”, “Los declare marido y Larry”, “Una esposa de mentira”, “como si fuera la primera vez” and “son como niƱos”, exist a lot movies, but this are my favorites.
The next premiere of Adam Sandler is “Sandy Wexler” a movie that will be first release in 2017, I hope see this movie in the cinema with my mom, because she likes Adam Sandler' movies too.

And you?  Who you would like to meet?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hi bloggers!
How are you? I am fine. Today I will speak about postgraduate studies. Is difficult for me imagine myself as a professional, because feel that I started not long ago.
It has been a long time a teacher said “always want to keep studying, because always be new things to learn”.  This sentence was kept in my memory until as of today, because I think that my teacher have reason. From then on that I agree with your opinion, but at least for now I do not know subject that I would like to study in postgraduate. For the moment I expect take studying my career and while learn, decide a subject for specialize in this.
I hope that someday can take studying, preferentially in other country.  Although also I would like learn thinks that no necessary arte associated with my career, for example learn a dance merengue, play the guitar or play some sport.
Anyway I would like to work directly with the environment, in my opinion work enclosed in an office is not funny, it is for this reason that my subject of specialize have to some studies directly associated with the nature and ecosystems.

And you? Do you like study after of graduate? What postgraduate studies would you like to have? O prefer star a work immediately? 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Hi bloggers!Today I speak about election day. Not long time ago were the votes by the mayor of each commune, was the first time I was going to vote and I was excited, but finally I did not go. I was going to go with my mom, we voted in Pirque, but there is only one entrance and there was a huge taco, that's why we did not vote. Being honest, I'm not very interested in politics, that is, obviously it's something important, but I'm not a fan. I do not like electoral campaigns very much, I feel that they spend a lot of money that could be used in something more important for people.
I believe that a person who posits for a public position, must be an honest person, who is not corrupt, that is, that really cares what happens in the country and not apply for a position thinking only of money, and Which is a very important charge, that nobody should be taken lightly.I've never thought about applying for a position of public position, I want to achieve change in the world, but not making promises to people, but make promises to myself and fulfill them little by little.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I speak about my future job. So, little times imagine as wild be mi professional life in 5 or 10 year in the future, but I would like work directly with environment, that is, work in be in the field. I think that never work in an office.  In my opinion work enclosed is not funny. So I would like work outdoors of Chile some time, but not for ever, because I would miss my family.
Still I do not know in that area I would like work, but preservation of nature, improve of ecosystems, are some of my favorites options, because I think that planet is of every and would must improve and value as be appropriate. My career, forestry have an area bound a production, I hope never work in this area, because not improve vegetation, on the contrary, cut down forest to production of wood o industries of cellulose.
I would like that my job allow me travel a lot, and know much beautiful places. I want visit much places, but not only of Chile, I hope leave of my country to look and learn about vegetation in others countries.

And you? What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I speak about the best exhibition were a exposition of art, this works were of Picasso, artist from Spain, he was painter and sculptor from Spain. 
I was going to when I am 17 years old, I mean was two years ago approximately. I went with two friends of my school. This exhibition were in Movistar arena and I remember that we us get lost. When we arrived on ten past 3 pm. I was happy with the works, besides at school, the teacher did speak about this artist and his works, so I was really fascinated. At school I was in Art elective, since I was a child prefer art instead of music, I remember that never learned  play the flute and every associated with art liked.

I remember that work that more like were a paint of evolution of bull, first the bull have many details, but in the end were a bull drawn only straight line.
In some days there will be a exhibition of Da Vinci's works and I am interested, Iwould like going to a this exhibition.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I speak about the place that would like to visit some day. So I love visit to Isla de Pascua, this place is a island from Chile. Because first I would like my own country and after travel to other countries, besides Isla de Pascua is a place remarkable for my, due to have "Moais", it is are enormous statues with form of persons, and one of my dreams is look this statues at least one time in the live.
 The people say that the Moais are representations of deceased ancestor, that some have even 10 meter of height. I do not understand how make this sculpture existing very few technology in that moment.
I would like go to Isla de Pascua and know more about the culture speak with people of the zone and ask about theirs costums.
I have not intention of work or live there, only go how tourist.
I hope someday I can go.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I would like to talk about pets. I love animals, even when I was a child want study veterinary surgeon.
Since I was a child, always having pets, I remember having dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, parakeets, ducks, chick even a goat. Since very young I having much pets different, but I never having a cat and I really want a cat, but my dad do not like cats, so my mom convinced my dad to adopt a kitten. First my dad hated a cat, he do not liked that cat sleep in his bed, but now sleeps together.
My family never buy a dogs or cats, we adopt of street, my mom always taught that I cannot buy a dog considering that so much living in the street and I find absolutely right.  
Today I have 4 dogs and 1 cat, each one with a history. Kamila that is my dog most old, It is a 15 years old, is very fat. She give birth very puppies and we give every except one, this puppy is Vinchus, my other dog. My mom came with much puppies to my house and I give, but once do not give every puppies, so we adopt this puppy and named Pinina. After accidentally my dad ran over a dog, so he took to the vet and adopts this dog, she is Reina. And my cat was rescue of a dogs that wanted to eat.

They are my pets, but I consider my family. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hi bloggers! How are you? I am fine.
This is my last blog and I write about my experience writing blogs in the English class.
I have to recognize that first I thought that was a bad idea, because for my learn English is very difficult and have to write blogs in English every weeks I felt  horrible, but  to the extent I started a write this blogs realized that was not so difficult as I thought.
Even I think that write blogs every week helped me, because I learn much vocabulary also learn grammar.
In my opinion is a good technique for learn English. The topic that most enjoyed writing was a blog about the subject of this semester, although the blog about food also was interesting jajaja xD  I love food, I love eating. Write a blog about food was a topic that we choose. I liked that us give the opportunity of choose some topics, because in this way we writing a blog about of a topic that really we liked. The topic that less I like was about a “website or expert on your field”, because I do not know much about this topic so was very difficult write this blog for my.

I think that it is a good idea and I recommend it.
Hi bloggers! How are you? I am fine.
Today I would like to talk about my subjects this semester.
This semester has been very difficult, because we did a strike for two months and back to university two weeks ago. Now the teachers have to conclude the semester in one month, that is, have every class and take every test that lack in four weeks! I start to feel stressed.
A subject that like most was “growth and development of trees”, in my opinion was a subject most difficult but also was the most interesting because was the most associated with the career. How the name said, this subject is about how grow and develop the trees, we learned a lot about of anatomy and how they work.
I recognize that my marks are not the best, even I have a red mark in a test,  but I do not let of study this subject.
After all, to be successful, you have to exert yourself.

And you? What is your favorite subject? What type of subject was it? Was it hard or easy?
Hi bloggers! How are you? I am fine.
Today I would like to talk about music. I listen to many styles of music, for example classical music, meringue, reggaeton, rap, cumbia, rancheras, etc. I am not of those persons that listen to music all day but I like listen to music occasionally, when I am stressed and need to relax.
Much of music that I listen is because some know listening. For example, my dad like listen to rancheras, in the weekend listens to rancheras in the radio while I study, I listen to the radio and slowly I learn the songs, even I song with my father.
Also My mom like listen to eighties music and I listen with her when accompanied her to work.

In the vacations, considering that the trip is long, my sister did a cd with music that like a every, so while traveling sound music, a song that like my dad, a song that like my mom, a song that like my sister and song that I like, so every are in agreement. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hi bloggers!!
Today I would like to talk of Roberto Cornejo EspĆ³sito. He is a forestry graduate of Universidad de Chile. Actuality he is a national president of school of forester. This election is every two years and is unknown that this position go back to a public person and not company private.
When he was selected how president say: “My first mission is work for forester association, creating instances of dialogue where we can discuss ideas, with the purpose of avoid opposition between forester that work on plantations and forester that work on native forest, the opinions are very diverse, but we must not are a union divided”
In his plans of work, also he want make paperwork to strengthen professional task of CONAF and INFOR.
I like Roberto Cornejo EspĆ³sito because he is a good forestry, that is, he has vocation and he is not a rascal person. Besides I would like manage so much how he.

Who is a person or expert on your field that you admire?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today speak about photography. Since child I like take pictures, even photos of people that no know. Besides take pictures although I like films video. I have much photos and videos of vacations, parties, meeting or daily thing for example in the house, in the kitchen, patio, pool or with my pets. I like take pictures and films videos, because is very funny see this again, especially when this pictures and videos are very old, of much years ago. For example I have a video of when I was 8 years old and in the video I played with my guinea pigs, in the video I speak about of life of this animals, I was have an animal report of animal life with every pets. Besides have a video dancing with my sister and pictures of when I was a child, where observe that my face is identical in every years.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hi bloggers!
 I am going to talk about the food. I love eating. Is great feel any flavors.  I am a person that in general eat of every, I like eat salty food and sweet food, but I have any preferences in the taste. I like eat fast food, for example fried chips, pizza and hamburgers, that is, crunchy food. Although also I like a home-made food how soup, pasta, barbecue, in general food that have meat, either from cow, chicken, pig or shellfish.

I love taste news food. I would like taste food of every countries. I was taste Chinese food, japan food, Peruvian food and Italian food, but also I would like eat food more exotic, how Arabian food, Indian food, etc. This is something that would love do. So every month I go to a different restaurant to taste news food. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hi bloggers!
Today I would like about my favorite piece of technology. At present the piece of technology   is things that have the most of people and is habitual use. For me, the piece of technology that consider more important is a mobile phone because I can call, use whatsapp, use facebook, use Instagram, use twitter, use u-cursos, send message of text and send e-mail. I can do every things use only a mobile phone. Also I can download very games. Besides at present every mobile phones have a camera, so I can take photos at any time. Obviously is very funny, although we would know that use the pieces of technology have to with conscience. This is very important in the moment of use the pieces of technology.

What is your favorite piece of technology?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why did you choose your career?

Hi! Bloggers: When I was finish the secondary school, I was think “So, now come the university” and I remembered that since I was a child I liked veterinary medicine and my score was sufficient. However, I decided to go to a Universidad de Chile fair. I walked for every fair and there are career enojoyable and others boring. A career that more I liked was forestry, in this stand a woman talked about the career and mentioned that in this instant there is a chat about the career. I went, listen about the forestry and I loved of forestry. This day I miss the bus that went a veterinary’s faculty. I thought that was the destiny and the final day I apply for forestry and not veterinary medicine.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hi! I'm Katherine, I am 18 years old. I was born in May 4th, 1997.
I study mi primary school in Tupahe School and my elementary school in school San Pedro, this school is very difficult, because this school is a excellence’s school.
At the present I study forestry in the University of Chile, this is my second year in the degree, I like it, but sleep few and study a lot.

In the future I like going back a other country to study, but now I would like travelling a other country to know a new places of the world.